Work on the 1.3 mile Kergord track is due to get under way in March and be completed in July. When ready, it will provide SSEN Transmission with access to the site of their proposed electricity converter station, which they require from July 2020 in order to have the transmission link to the mainland operational by 2024.
The contract involves creating a new junction off the B9075 Sandwater Road and a new crossing over the Burn of Weisdale.
A spokesman for Viking Energy said: “We’re delighted to have Tulloch Developments working on the wind farm project. With over 45 years’ experience, the company has a long track record of successful projects in Shetland, and we look forward to working with them on this important first stage of the Viking wind farm development.
“This contract follows on from a smaller contract awarded to another local firm, Garriock Bros, for alterations to Sandwater Road, and Viking Energy aims to create more opportunities for local companies working with its main contractors when selected.”